The Loss of Dreijeroord
When he learns that the famous Hotel Dreijeroord in Oosterbeek, his home during world war II, is going to be demolished, Dutch emigrant John Deweyert decides to travel to Holland to rewrite the past.
(Omroep Gelderland, August 2018)
The Lost Son
He searches his birth parents in China.
He finds a world of lost children and desperate parents.
Release: November 2016
Role Models in the Financial World (2015-2016)
4 documentaries for Dutch development bank FMO
Due to the financial crisis people felt the urgent need to change the role of financial institutes. But how to change without good examples? Dutch development bank FMO wanted to portray inspiring women in the financial world, who are showing us that making money and making the world a better place are perfectly compatible.
Kshama Fernandez, CEO IFMR Capital, India
With IFMR-Capital Kshama Fernandes tries to bridge the gap between microfinance institutes and the capital market:
"Access to finance is not a trivial problem. It has to be the core design of financial institutions in India."
Winners Van Heuven Goedhart Prize
Documentary for Dutch Refugee Organisation Stichting Vluchteling
Syrian Doctors Mohammad Al Smadi and Mahmoud Al Dyab had to flee Syria. Now they live in Jordan, where they try to continue their profession to help other Syrian refugees.
"As a doctor, regardless if I am a Syrian or not, seeing such injuries is always difficult. You will never get used to it." - Mahmoud Al Dyab